Things I've learnt this year; mostly about myself

I'm firmly convinced that if something isn't worth fighting for then it isn't worth having. I find it very hard to respect people who don't fight for things they value.

There are times when I can't do the simplest things, without any valid reason why not, and it actually isn't worth trying. This from someone who firmly believes the mantra that the only real failure is not trying.

I would rather aim really high and fail than aim for something 'manageable'.

I'm firmly convinced that if something's really valuable, it's worth breaking yourself for. I thought this before, but I hadn't yet tried it. Still convinced (and gradually getting fixed).

I'm really rather stubborn.

It's not worth pursuing someone else's dream for them if they're not pursuing it themselves.

I don't trust people easily.

I know that's it's fine to take it easy, and I often do; but I'd rather run fast until I give up than pace myself and go further.

I give up often, but never for long.

All my motives are questionable, even the good ones.

I'm not very good at standing up for myself. I'm not very good at asking for what I need.

When I fail, I want people around me who give me the tools to go further, rather than telling me to stop. (Unless they're telling me to stop as a strategy towards going further.)

I won't do anything unless I see the purpose.

I will pay pretty much any personal cost when I believe in something.

I can't handle the idea of fitting in. It makes me panic and want to do something drastic.

Family is a lot more important to me than I ever realised.

I'm incredibly afraid of doing the wrong thing.

Sometimes the only way out of a tough spot is for someone to spend 2 hours talking me down. And there are people out there who think that's good use of their time.

Counselling helps, but doesn't resolve.

There's no need to grow up more than I have already done.


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